

罗彻斯特 密歇根 48309-4452
(248) 370-3218

星期一至星期五:上午8时.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Extended hours on select Saturdays (see schedule) or call for an appointment


罗彻斯特 密歇根 48309-4452
(248) 370-3218

星期一至星期五:上午8时.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Extended hours on select Saturdays (see schedule) or call for an appointment

A room full of students in a classroom, many of them raising their hands.



考虑到所有因素, participating in PUB throughout high school equals receiving a “Service Scholarship” valued at almost $20,000. The greatest reward is that Upward Bound participants are four times more likely to earn bachelor’s degrees (教育机会委员会)比那些没有参加向上跳跃的人要多. 并拥有学士学位, Upward Bound alumni will earn 41% more per year (about $800 more per month) than an adult whose education ended with a high school diploma (smartasset.com, 2018). 酒吧成员:

  • 定期收到 助学金 并获得 选择性信用
  • 住在校园里,接受教育 领导力培训
  • 享受 旅游经历 作为对成就的奖励
  • 得到 豁免 用于考试和大学入学申请
  • 使用 技术与资源 这在家里或学校可能是不可能的
  • 有资格 十大菠菜台子信用联盟会员
  • 有资格申请 上进图书奖学金 在十大菠菜台子入学时
  • 有资格 三人奖学金比赛
  • 访问并最终加入一个 全国三重奏校友网络




  • 入学时年龄不低于13岁
  • 在入学时已经完成了8年级
  • 至少有2分.在常规课程上的累积绩点达到50
  • Live in Pontiac or Royal Oak Township regardless of the school you attend OR
  • 他注册了庞蒂亚克, 或橡树园, or Pontiac Academy for Excellence School Districts regardless of where you live

Membership slots become available in June when high school seniors graduate. Our goal is to replace them by the end of September following June graduation.

  • 8th 年级学生2月8日th 年级 year is the best time to apply to be first in line to fill slots vacated by graduating seniors. 如果承认, membership would be activated for 夏季学院 II, a two-week commuter summer program immediately after completing 8th 年级.  The new admit would then continue participating in the academic year that September and be eligible to stay on campus for 夏季学院 I immediately after completing 9th 年级.

  • 高中生: Applications are accepted all year round from all 年级 levels. Apply by fall to be eligible to live on campus the following summer. The best time to apply would be in August to get the benefit of support throughout the school year.
  • If you are unsure whether you want to apply, fill out a 触点形式 and a PUB Team Member will be glad to answer whatever questions we can (see FAQs tab).
  • If you know you want to apply, complete and submit this 网上申请会籍.

当一个完整的申请包提交, a preliminary determination is made regarding eligibility. If the application meets at least one eligibility requirement, the applicant and parent/guardian may be invited for an interview. 在面试后的指定时间内, the applicant and parent/guardian are informed by telephone and in writing of the outcome of their application process.

收入本身并不是一个决定性因素. All possible eligibility factors are considered when evaluating an application.

Students in foster care automatically meet the income guideline due to their court ward status.

There are two major admission periods every year – September 1 through January 31 for the current academic year and February 1 through May 31 for the following academic year.  招生通常不会在六月进行, 7月, and August because all attention is focused on the 夏季学院.

Admitted PUB Scholars who have been active during the academic year are eligible to live on campus during 夏季学院 I. 然而, students who do not apply until their senior year will graduate from high school before they have a chance to live on campus.

Students admitted September 1 through January 31 who are active in the Academic Year Program for at least 60 days qualify to enroll in 夏季学院 I. PUB’s Academic Year programming usually ends in the last week of March. 因此, students admitted February 1 through May 31 can still be in PUB but will not be able to meet the 60 days of participation to qualify to live on campus that year. They would be eligible to enroll in the non-residential 夏季学院 II in the year they are admitted; then they would be eligible for residential 夏季学院 I in the year following their admit year if they remain active for at least 60 days of the academic year.

Why should I spend the summer on campus instead of working?
You have about 45 years of your life ahead when you will have to work. While you have this opportunity, get a preview of what it’s like to be a residential college student. 如有需要,满足信用回收要求.  被导师包围. 交一辈子的朋友. 接触新的体验,包括旅行.

PUB是一个全年、多年的项目. When students are admitted (usually in 年级s 9 or 10) they are expected to remain active through 年级 12. Students are expected to spend at least one summer on campus but are welcome to spend more if space allows.

管理好时间的学生可以两者兼顾. PUB has live and virtual options that help PUB Scholars meet PUB requirements. 在培训和我们的网站上, an entire academic year schedule is provided; so we ask that PUB Scholars arrange their work schedules at times that do not conflict with PUB activities.

Can I be in PUB and other extra-curricular activities?
This is another opportunity for PUB to help with developing good time management skills. PUB will work with PUB Scholars to negotiate schedules whose activities do not conflict.  We don’t want any student to be denied opportunities.

You are still eligible as long as you have not graduated from high school. 提交这个 重新接纳形式 请求重新激活您的会员资格.

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