A man in in his store

Alumni Voices|

School of Education and Human Services

icon of a calendarAugust 1, 2023

icon of a pencilBy Michael Downes

The Curious Collector


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Robert Hall

“Now cut this very carefully; it’s an emerald.”

Twelve-year-old Paul Haig, SEHS ’73, 勤奋工作,以确保“石头”被完美地切割, 以外科手术般的精准度仔细规划下一步行动. Then, a little slip of the hand and he miscut. But he didn’t panic. Keeping his composure, 黑格抢救了这块“宝石”,并把他那颗修剪得完美无缺的“宝石”送给了石匠专家皮埃尔·塔切特, who inspected it and poured over each delicate cut.

Touchette, who taught the young Haig how to cut stones, 拿出祖母绿七喜瓶子的剩余部分, 是他给黑格练习的“石头”吗.

“Whatever you do, treat it like it’s the most valuable thing in your life, and do the best that you can”; Touchette’s words of wisdom to his young student left a lasting impression — and became a life lesson that Haig didn’t take lightly.

这种心态已经融入黑格的生活,并在他所有的冒险中帮助了他, 无论是在他的珠宝行业,今年是庆祝50年的服务, in his marriage with his wife, Diane, SECS ’83, or in his journey collecting textiles, stones, and whatever else he’s curious about at the time.

Growing up, 黑格和他的家人没有在一个地方呆太久,因为他的父亲是一名科学家,他的工作需要经常在全国各地搬家. 黑格在马萨诸塞州和加利福尼亚州之间来回穿梭,几乎到处都是.


“I never saw a tree grow as a kid,” explains Haig. “I never watched anyone grow up. We were just constantly moving.”

As the family journeyed around the country, 黑格和他的兄弟各自在每个城市探险. “当我们从一个地方到另一个地方旅行时,我的家人会开着我们的大众微型巴士,”黑格回忆道. “当我们在某个地方停下来时,我和哥哥就会去捡石头. 我们每个人都有40磅的限制,最后我会付钱给我哥哥,让他把我的石头放进他的包里.”

黑格还经常参观沿途的博物馆——洛杉矶县博物馆, 史密森尼博物馆和自然历史博物馆,黑格在那里探索了展品, learning about textiles, stones and relics. These adventures ultimately sparked his curiosity, the driving force behind his impassioned personality.

Close up shot of jewelry

黑格最初对宝石的兴趣转变为对宝石业务的热情. He joined rock clubs wherever his family moved. By the time he was 14, 他有自己的营业执照,可以抛光石头和修理物品, and a year later was working for an opal dealer. 黑格和他的老板一起去西雅图参加宝石展,老板会买卖珍贵的蛋白石. Haig was like a sponge at these events, 吸收一切他能吸收的信息不仅是关于石头的,还有商业方面的.

最终,黑格的家人能够在他父亲的家乡扎下一些根. 黑格说:“来到罗切斯特,只有一个地方可以住,真是太好了。.

在他大一的时候,他加入了奥克兰夏令营,在男孩营地担任守夜人. 他注意到参加夏令营的人没有学术或音乐辅导, 所以黑格直接找到了公开大学的教育部门,要求他们启动一个辅导项目. 他们签了字,辅导项目就启动了. 他还为参加夏令营的人启动了一个艺术和手工艺项目.

“十年前,有两位女士来到我的店里,告诉我我改变了她们的生活. They were at Camp Oakland, and I made them feel like people, individuals, 而不仅仅是一个需要结婚生子的人.”

黑格在就读于教育与人类服务学院的同时,还担任过实习教师. In the mornings, he’d work with second graders, and in the afternoon, he shifted his focus to special education. 他在梅多布鲁克(Meadowbrook)当过司机,在大学当过看门人,还在他们的台球室工作过.

Haig’s curious mind was always looking for avenues to learn new things and better the community around him; a community he has been deeply rooted in since his move.


In 1973, 刚毕业的黑格在罗切斯特市的饲料和种子店楼上租了一个地方,开了一家黑格珠宝店, 这桩生意与他对宝石的热爱有关. 五十年后,他在罗切斯特市中心的主街上经营着自己的三层店面. The showroom is on the ground floor, 展示黑格收集和制作的所有光泽华丽的珠宝. 地下室是黑格和他的员工们磨练切割技能的地方, cleaning and intricately crafting metals and gems. 楼上有一个小型博物馆,里面陈列着黑格个人收藏的文物、纺织品和石头.

Aside from operating a successful business, 黑格和他的妻子不断地回馈社区. 他们自愿参加全州的癌症步行和比赛, 花时间在课堂上教授商学院学生交易技巧.

他自己动手学习的经历深深地改变了他, 黑格把各种各样的学生带到他的店里,教他们关于石头的知识, relics, history and business.

激情和好奇心仍然是黑格永不停息的动力, 它仍然像他12岁时切割第一块“祖母绿”时一样突出.”


A man in front of his jewelry store with a sign that reads "Haig's of Rochester Fine Jewelry & Objects of Art"

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